February 19 – We A-R-E
John 2:1-10
days later, there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and Mary, the mother of
Jesus, was there. Jesus and his disciples had likewise been invited to the
celebration. At a certain point, the wine ran out, and Jesus’ mother told him,
“They have no wine.” Jesus replied, “Mother, what does that have to do with me?
My hour has not yet come.” She instructed those waiting on tables, “Do whatever
he tells you.” As prescribed for Jewish ceremonial washings, there were six
stone water jars on hand, each one holding between fifteen and twenty-five
gallons. “Fill those jars with water,” Jesus said, and the servers filled them
to the brim. “Now,” said Jesus, “draw some out and take it to the caterer.”
They did as they were instructed. The caterer tasted the water—which had been
turned into wine—without knowing where it had come from; the only ones who knew
were those who were waiting on tables, since they had drawn the water. The
caterer called the bride and groom over and remarked, “People usually serve the
best wine first; then, when the guests have been drinking a while, a lesser
vintage is served. What you’ve done is to keep the best wine until now!”
Well, we’ve made to the culmination
of our series on our SCUCC vision. SCUCC is a community of
Artistic-Revolutionary-Evolutionary Christians. We A-R-E Christians. And this
is the focal point of this whole process of naming and claiming who we are.
SCUCC has for many years been an overt presence on the stage of Christendom,
proclaiming that there is a rich diversity of Christian expression in the
world. That is the heart of being unapologetically Christian. There are people
around us who may not be aware that there is a Christianity that does not ask
them to shut off their brains; does not condemn them because of doubt, lifestyle,
gender, or orientation; that there is a Christianity that welcomes them and
their questions.
For those who have found
close-minded Christianity to be a bland and lifeless dish, we have good news indeed:
the best wine of all is just now coming to the table! The author of John’s
gospel describes the episode at the wedding at Cana a Jesus’ first miracle. It
was a public display at a public event. John is signaling us as gospel-readers
that it is plain who Jesus is. Even though Jesus himself is shown as hesitant,
the grace and gift of God cannot be hidden. The water changes to wine, really
good wine, and in quantity enough to keep the party going a long, long time. I
believe we continue to share that wine when we tell the world that we A-R-E
And so it is show and tell time at SCUCC,
time to show and tell who and what we are. Like Jesus at the Cana wedding, we
need to be public. People need to see and hear and taste the kind of
Christianity that welcomes, feeds, and rejoices. We have the best wine of all
to share, not to keep it to ourselves.
As we think about the Studio, one
place to begin may be a wine tasting (rather, a skit about wine tasting, I
suppose). The descriptions of various wines from utterly rancid to the really,
really good stuff. The wines could be things like “Sermon” wine (dusty and
flat, with a lingering aftertaste of moldy paper); “Judgment” wine (harsh, abrasive,
with hints of iron and vinegar); “Easy Answers” wine (thin and fruity, with a
pleasing nose but lacking in body and complexity). All these the tasters could
readily spit into the dump bucket (as wine tasters do). But when the good wine
arrives, nobody wants to spit!
I know that as we use wine as a metaphor
we have a number of members in recovery. Our point is not that wine is good in
and of itself, but that like the gospel of John we use wine as a symbol for the
presence and goodness of Christ. If I were still in my United Methodist digs we
might even go so far as to make Welch’s grape juice the best wine of all (no
kidding, some Methodists would go there!).
I know the Sugar Thieves will be
with us this Sunday, and they are well=capable of getting us in a party mood.
What makes us feel like partying? Or
more to the point, what about our experience of Christ makes us feel like a
party? Our vision statement says that it is the passion of artistry, the
heart-felt desire for a better world, and the freedom to question and grow. We
A-R-E those kinds of Christians.
SCUCC is a community of Aritist-Evolutionary-Revolutionary Christians
We A-R-E Christians!
Never place a Period, Deep in Our Hearts (Who Are You video)
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