Friday, August 2, 2013

Tuning the Heart’s Ear (Listening to the Still Speaking God of the Bible)

Often some issue or other arises in our life and then we ask, “What does the Bible have to say about this?” This series takes another approach. Affirming that we are loved by a Still-Speaking God, we will begin by asking, “What is the Spirit saying to us today?” The Psalms are one of the most beloved books of the Bible. We invite you to enter into a conversation with the Spirit by asking, “What are you saying to us through this Psalm today?”
The Book of Psalms was collected as the songbook of ancient Israel. It reflects the breadth of the emotions and expressions of those people struggling to be faithful and connected to God. Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann says that there are at least three kinds of psalms. .  Psalms of orientation (when all is right with our world), psalms of disorientation (when things fall apart), and psalms of a new orientation (when God creates something new out of the disorientation). What is the Living Spirit saying to us today through these ancient songs?
August 11 – When Life is Good: Psalm 1
When we know that God loves us and all is right with the world. God’s steadfast love and strength protects us and those we care about. We are like trees planted by flowing waters. When life is good, what is God saying to us?
August 18 – When the Storm Hits: Psalm 13
When we experience turmoil and strife, it is often more difficult find that Still-Speaking God. In the middle of the storms of life, we echo the psalmist “how long, O God?”
August 25 – When the Phoenix Rises: Psalm 66
The experience of the Israel is that God never abandons them. God frees the saves, divides the sea, and gives manna in the desert. What the world destroys, God recreates. When the storms subside, the clouds break, and the sun rises, and the psalmist sings, “Come and see what the Beloved has done; wondrous are the deeds of Love.” Where is God working wondrous deeds of Love?

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